IUD Lawsuit Utah - Paragard IUD Lawyer UT

Side Effects of Paragard
Paragard is a popular copper IUD that is available in the United States. While it has been widely prescribed for decades, there are potentially harmful side effects. Women who are using Paragard or considering the device for contraception should be aware of the dangers.

IUD Lawsuit Utah

Pain during Insertion
Many women experience severe pain during the insertion process. Patients may experience dizziness, nausea, low blood pressure fainting and other uncomfortable symptoms. Some doctors use a numbing agent to help patients with the pain, but this isn’t common practice. Women should ask their doctor about ways to avoid these side effects. Typically, the symptoms will pass after a few minutes.

Pelvic Infection
It is possible for the Paragard device to move throughout the body, which can lead to a pelvic infection. If left untreated, the infection can become deadly. Patients who experience abdominal pain, heavy vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharges or an unexplained fever should contact their doctor immediately.

IUD Lawsuit Utah

Heavy Periods
It is also common for women to experience longer and heavier periods. Spotting between periods is another common side effect. Over time, your body may regulate itself and periods will return to normal, but this could take several months.

Perforation occurs when the IUD actually travels through the wall of the uterus. This happens most often during the insertion procedure and can cause a long list of problems. Patients won’t be protected against pregnancy and they could experience infections, damage to other organs and scarring. Perforation will require surgery to remove the device and repair any other damage. This can mean several surgeries over time, which may affect a woman’s long-term fertility. In the most severe cases, perforation can cause death.

IUD Lawyer Utah

Painful Intercourse
Patients report painful sex, bleeding after intercourse and cramps. If this happens, it is important for women to see whether they can still feel the strings of the IUD and evaluate whether the length has changed. This can be an indication that the device has either been expelled or has perforated the uterus.

Additional Side Effects
Less severe side effects include anemia, backaches, general faintness, vaginal discharge and cramping. While these side effects can lessen over time, patients may have to deal with them for several months.

While not everyone experiences side effects with Paragard they are common and patients should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the device before having it inserted into the uterus.

IUD Lawsuit Utah

IUD Lawyer Utah - Free Consultation - 1-866-777-2557

Paragard IUD Lawsuit

IUD Lawsuit Utah - Paragard IUD Lawyer UT

If you or a loved one suffered injuries after using the Paragard© IUD for birth control, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturer.  Some injuries may include device breakage, organ perforation, device migration, hysterectomy, and scarring.  Contact Vanderhyde Law today to see if you qualify.  Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 or fill out our contact form and an Utah IUD Lawyer will contact you to answer your questions.  This is a free consultation.  There are no legal fees unless you receive money.  Operators are standing by.  Call now.

Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 for a Free Consultation.  No Legal Fees Unless You Receive Money.