Paragard IUD Lawsuit

Copper IUD Lawsuit Wyoming - Paragard Lawyer Wyoming

Is There a Connection Between PID and the Usage of IUDs?
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) has become connected to IUD usage in ways that are often confusing and misleading.  Early research in the late 1970s and early 1980s were crudely done and often misleading in their information.  Before we take a look at what the connection really is between PID and IUD, let us get a better understanding of what each is.

Copper IUD Lawyer Wyoming

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is a disease of the upper genital tract in the female body.  It is generally an inflammation of the uterus or fallopian tubes.  Pelvic Inflammatory Disease can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases that have travelled into the upper genital tract.  It can be very painful and if untreated it can lead to infertility in women. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease can cause a permanent blockage in the fallopian tubes which can cause infertility.

Copper IUD Lawyer Wyoming

Intrauterine Devices are a T-shaped device inserted into the cervix to prevent pregnancy.  They use either copper or synthetic hormones to prevent the sperm from traveling to the uterus.  IUDs are one of the most used forms of contraceptives across the world.  IUDs received a lot of negative press in the 1980s in the US leading to a negative view of them.  However recent studies have shown IUDs to be one of the most effective forms of contraceptive with over a 99 percent positive review from women whom have chosen IUDs.

Copper IUD Lawyer Wyoming
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease research in the last few decades has been increasing in accuracy as science progresses.  In the early 1980s, science associated IUDs to be the cause of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, when in reality it was sexually transmitted diseases that were causing PID.  There is an association with PID and IUDs in the STD is present in the woman and she proceeds to have an IUD inserted, the STD could enter the cervix during the insertion procedure.  The World Health Organization has shown that women who have no prior sexually transmitted diseases and have an IUD have no increased risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

One of the things that doctors do stress to women with an IUD is that it does not protect from sexually transmitted diseases.  Sexually transmitted diseases are the cause for increased risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and measures should be taken to protect oneself from STDs.

Copper IUD Lawyer Wyoming

Copper IUD Lawyer Wyoming - Paragard Lawyer WY

If you or a loved one suffered injuries after using the Paragard© IUD for birth control, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturer.  Some injuries may include device breakage, organ perforation, device migration, hysterectomy, and scarring.  Contact Vanderhyde Law today to see if you qualify.  Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 or fill out our contact form and a Wyoming Copper IUD Lawyer will contact you to answer your questions.  This is a free consultation.  There are no legal fees unless you receive money.  Operators are standing by.  Call now.

Copper IUD Lawyer Wyoming - Free Consultation - 1-866-777-2557

Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 for a Free Consultation.  No Legal Fees Unless You Receive Money.