Paragard IUD Lawsuit

IUD Lawsuit Mississippi - Paragard IUD Lawyer MS

If you or a loved one suffered injuries after using the Paragard© IUD for birth control, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturer.  Some injuries may include device breakage, organ perforation, device migration, hysterectomy, and scarring.  Contact Vanderhyde Law today to see if you qualify.  Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 or fill out our contact form and a Mississippi IUD Lawyer will contact you to answer your questions.  This is a free consultation.  There are no legal fees unless you receive money.  Operators are standing by.  Call now.

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IUD Lawsuit Mississippi - Paragard IUD Lawyer MS

To stay on the market, medical devices must meet and maintain a high level of safety. If a medical product has risks that are unacceptably high or not made known to patients, those harmed by it can sue. This is the case with the Paragard IUD, which has been the subject of lawsuits from women in multiple states who suffered uterine damage and other serious effects.

The Paragard IUD is a small plastic T with copper coiled around it that’s inserted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy on a long-term basis. For most users, it has no serious side effects.

But problems can arise when the IUD embeds in the uterus, either because a healthcare provider inserts it incorrectly or it simply shifts position. When it becomes wedged in the uterine tissue, it may be difficult to remove; pieces may even break off during removal.

IUD Lawsuit Mississippi

If the ParaGard continues to migrate after insertion, it can perforate the uterus, causing severe bleeding, abdominal pain, fever and other symptoms. It can eventually make its way out of the uterus altogether and perforate other organs as well.

This condition necessitates one or more surgeries to fix the damage and remove the IUD. It can cause scarring in the uterus that can lead to long-lasting pelvic pain or infertility.

A dangerous result of damage to the uterus is increased chance of ectopic pregnancy. In this condition, fertilized egg attaches itself to the fallopian tubes or cervix instead of the main body of the uterus. Since it’s growing where there’s not enough space for a fetus to grow to full term, it can cause tissue rupture, a life-threatening condition.

IUD Lawyer Mississippi

The ParaGard IUD can also increase risk of pelvic infection. Medical professionals take precautions to make IUD insertion sterile and ensure the patient does not have an active STI that could be transferred from the vagina to the womb. But it rare cases, it happens anyway—resulting in pain, fever, and potential scarring or abscess to the uterus.  This too can threaten future fertility.

In one case, a Florida woman sued ParaGard’s manager, Teva Pharmaceuticals, after her ParaGard made its way out of her uterus and into her colon and necessitated surgery to remove. In another, a Louisiana woman suffered permanent reproductive damage after a piece of her IUD broke off during removal. She and her legal team alleged that Teva did not notify users of the risk this could happen, despite knowing about it.

IUD Lawsuit Mississippi

Recent lawsuits have included multiple counts, including “negligence, strict liability design defect, strict liability manufacturing defect, strict liability failure to warn…violation of consumer protection laws, as well as gross negligence.”
Those who win their suits may be entitled to money for medical expenses and lost wages, among others.

The ParaGard remains a popular device due to the growing awareness of IUDs as effective birth control, so it is likely that more lawsuits will be filed.

IUD Lawsuit Mississippi

Call Toll Free 1-866-777-2557 for a Free Consultation.  No Legal Fees Unless You Receive Money.